Donate online
Your donation will help us spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. Simple and secure. We have several ways you can donate to our ministry. Give a single gift to Cross Kingdom Ministries using your debit, credit card, or apply pay by giving online through PayPal, online or Venmo. 100% of your gift will go directly into helping Cross Kingdom Ministries. We have no administration fees. Your donation is appreciated.
Current Projects
We need help in sponsoring several children who are a part of our Orphanage and school in Kisii, Kenya. Your donation will help them in attending school and needs such as food and supplies. Please click on the sponsor a child button to sponsor a specific child in need. You can also give securely online through one of the methods below. These donations will help in obtaining clean water for the orphanage and support local church plants in Kenya, Uganda as well as schools in Cambodia.
Ways to Donate to our Ministry
Mail in your donation:
Cross Kingdom Ministries PO Box 1783 Conover, NC 28613